As you probably already know, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has expanded the requirement for a negative COVID-19 test to all air passengers entering the United States, beginning on Jan. 26, 2021. Since Cancun is a top destination and the world leader for the reception of North American tourist we have the capacity to carry out the necessary test to all visitors. The staff of the front desk have a list of different laboratories and pharmacies that perform the COVID-19 antigen test and PCR test, some even can do it on-property to guests, Test results will be received the same day or the day after, so we will recommend you to make a reservation as soon as you get here. We encourage you to visit website: www.mexicancaribbean.travel/faq-covid-19/faq-covid-19-tests/
We want to give you the tranquility and confidence during your stay so that your only concern is to enjoy this beautiful paradise.
A few days ago, as part of a learning process and to be able to give more accurate information about the COVID tests, I went to a pharmacy very close to Coral Mar to perform the COVID antigen test.
First of all I want to clarify that the antigen test is the test required by the United States government to enter the country by air. If you are going to return to the United States by land, this test is not necessary. The antigen test is not the same as the PCR test, which is required for entry to other countries.
I decided to take the test to be able to answer questions to our guests and clients. The place where I went to take the test was at the FARMACIAS DE AHORRO their location in front of the Temptation hotel which is about 5 minutes away by car or taxi. They have plenty of parking and if you take a taxi from Coral Mar is only $8 to $9 usd per taxi.
I Arrived at 8am. Their hours of operations are from 8 am to 9 pm and according to an employee there is no limit of tests per day. Upon arrival I realized that there was only one person before me, I thought I had been lucky but then I learn that normally there are no big lines. The employee told me that I should fill out a form on my cell phone which can be accessed through a QR code which is visible on the entrance. I also find out that the form can be filled even one day before which it can speed up the process. After filling it out the form, the system gives you a folio number which you must present when entering the establishment. Once inside, the employee enters the folio number into his system. At that time you must pay the amount of $ 346 pesos ($299 pesos + Tax) which is approximately $ 19 usd (they only accept payments by credit or debit card and the charge is made in pesos). After payment they indicate the cubicle number where they will perform the test.
I was a little nervous since I had never done it and had heard many stories from people about how terrible it was to put a swab up your nose. The truth is that the lady who attended me was very kind and she explained the procedure. Right there and in front of me she opened the package from where she took the swab and very delicately she performed the test on me. It took no more than 1 minute from when I sat down until I was out of the cubicle. 15 minutes later I had my test result printed (in English and Spanish) and in my email.
To tell you the truth, was much faster than I thought and very convenient, it will only take a few minutes of your valuable vacation. I hope this helps to answer questions about this new requirement and soon I have the opportunity to see you in this beautiful place. Please let me know If you have any questions, meanwhile stay safe, healthy and happy.

We Care
Awareness, education and guidelines.
All of our staff have taken mandatory courses and online education about COVID-19 awareness and the proper steps to ensure the higyene standards of international health organizations for a safe working enviroment.

WHO Course about standard precautions.

Mexico's Health care system Institute mandatory certification on prevention of COVID-19

CDC Toolkit for a comprehensive return to activity
OSHA recommendations guide for returning to economic activities.
The well-being and safety of our clients and staff are our highest priority. We strengthen sanitary security practices and hygiene measures in our staff, as well as in our facilities and transports, in order to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
The groups will be reduced accordning to the state epidemiological standard and if possible excursions could be carried out in Vans and with only guests of WIVC Coral Mar.
All our Vans are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected daily.
All our vans will carry alcohol-gel dispensers (70%).
In most activities the temperature (in the shade) of all visitors will be taken before boarding the transportation. Any reading of 38 ° C or higher should be considered suspicious for disease. If the reading is positive, the guest will be asked NOT TO board the van with the group and will be invited to visit a doctor for a review.
Visitors must respect at all times the signs and capacities established to maintain healthy distance measures.
All members of the same family will be able to stay together during their excursion.
All our staff and passengers will be ask to use a three-layer face mask.
According to the activity, and in some cases, our staff who have more contact with the clients, in addition to the use of the three-layer mask, will be wearing a face mask or safety goggles.
Shake hands will be avoided
Staff - Staff
Staff - Clients and Suppliers
Even though each company maintains its own protocols, the staff of Coox Ximba Tours will be vigilant that they have the hygiene and healthy distance measures dictated by the national and international health authorities to guarantee the safety of our passengers.
Coox Ximba Tours works DIRECTLY with the official transportation of the parks and has no agreements with third parties that may not comply with the protocols and standards of hygiene and safety established by the parks.
By purchasing online we will deliver your tickets as well as important information about your excursion upon arrival.
Office hours will be reduced to only open in the morning (8 am to 1pm)
We will still provide our 24 hours customer service through our phone number, chat, email and whatsApp.
Visits of suppliers and company representatives without an appointment are canceled.
Clients must respect the established signs and capacities at all times to maintain healthy distance measures.
To maintain a healthy distance, clear marks will be established on the floor.
Alcohol-gel dispensers will be available and we will invite our guests to use before and after each transaction.
Daily, at the end of each shift our office will be cleaned and disinfected.
All staff will use a three-layer face mask and face protection mask as Personal Protective Equipment.
Shake hands will be avoided
Staff - Staff
Staff - Clients and Suppliers
We will adopt any other measure that we could consider necessary to safeguard the safety and health of our clients, which has been the most important value throughout our 28 years of uninterrupted service